Welcome to Darlington’s Reducing Parental Conflict Page.

This space is for both parents and professionals and will provide you with more information around what parental conflict looks like, how it affects children and young people and some helpful resources to help parents find ways to get on better, resolve conflict and improve their relationships, whether together or separated. 

“Some level of arguing and conflict between parents or carers is often a normal part of everyday life. However, there is strong evidence that frequent, intense and poorly resolved parental conflict can have a negative impact on children’s mental health and long term life-chances.

The parental conflict indicator shows 12% of children were living with at least one parent reporting relationship distress. Parental conflict is twice as likely in workless couple-parent families compared to where both parents are working.” (gov.uk)

Parental Conflict Indicator [external link]

Information for Professionals

Reducing Parental Conflict Pathway training sessions can be found via Workforce Development training directory [external link]